Why People Don’t Make New Year Resolutions

With the beginning of a new year many people feel the need to join into the age-old tradition of setting resolutions. Is this something you get involved in? The most popular New Year’s resolutions are: Get In Shape Save more money Get organized Stop smoking Drink less Eat healthier Spend more time with family and

Employee Workload Management

Employee Workload Management Many years ago, I interviewed for a training position at our state’s peace officer academy. During the interview I was asked how I would prioritize tasks or workload (e.g., emails, voice messages, meetings, etc.). Many employees struggle with this. As a supervisor or manager, does your employees know how to do this?

Employee Safety Messages – Addressing Their Concerns

Regardless if you are a manager for a government office or an owner of a private entrepreneur business, the safety of employees, visitors and customers should be at the top of your list of concerns. You have invested time and money to get them in your establishment, either working for you or buying your product


Welcome everyone to the conversation regarding Personnel Defense & Awareness. Exploring awareness while walking in the world you live in. Story of Who I Am I am a retired peace officer and have worked in the Department of Corrections in my state for over 30 years. I have been exposed to inmates from minor crimes